Sunday, April 17, 2011

The calorie count for Easter temptations!


This blog brought to you via Dietitian Susie Burrell.

Some harsh Easter reality - Each week I cringe as I move through the supermarket and see an enormous supply of Easter eggs and chocolate flavoured Easter buns. Remember, supermarket sales gurus know that if you can see the food, you will buy it, and hence the reason Easter eggs have been available before the Christmas tinsel was taken down. So, if you do not want to gain weight this Easter, remember the rules – no buns until Good Friday and no eggs until Easter!

Eggs Selection kJ Fat
Cadbury Easter Bunny  3740 50g
2 Caramello Eggs 500 6g
1 Cadbury Crème Egg 718 6g
Lindt Gold Bunny 2270 33g
3 mini eggs 560 7.5g
Small hot cross bun (no butter) 600 2g
Large hot cross bun with butter 1200 10g
Choc chip hot cross bun 1100 9g

And don’t forget that excess calorie days can be very easily offset by increasing your exercise or reducing your caloric intake for the surrounding days!

Some great advice to help resist the temptations this Easter! Follow Susie’s Blog:

1 comment:

  1. Synthetische vs. Natuerliche Nootropika
    Natürliche Nootropika sind auch chemisch definierte Substanzen, genau wie die synthetischen Nootropika.
