Monday, April 18, 2011

You’ll never look at the EYP Rhino the same again!

There’s been some confusion about the guy below. He’s been getting a bad wrap because he looks chubby and sweaty and not superman-ish like other health and fitness mascots do. To those critics I’d like to say:

Superman!?… Are you superman?… No!

Just like Rhino, you aren’t perfect either! AND neither are the other 99.9% of people who aren’t Scarlett Johansson or Brad Pitt. You are normal; attractive, pretty, cute, powerful, feminine, masculine, intelligent, wise, strong willed, funny, dependable, honest and/or hard working. Everyone has good characteristics, but no one is perfect – just like Rhino!

And the biggest thing YOU have in common with Rhino – you too are on your own personal journey of SELF IMPROVEMENT!

Now let’s break down Rhino a little further…


The sweat shows he is working hard to achieve his goals and get closer to his potential!


The wagging tail shows he is having fun. Not all exercise has to be boring and monotonous! (Take note Personal Trainers and Instructors working in Gyms!) 


So he’s got a bit of chub to lose around the typical areas (butt and gut especially). There are a lot of people out there who feel the same way, but he knows they are areas to improve on not negatives to keep him down.


The rhino has found the treadmill enjoyable so he is sticking to it. Everyone has at least 1 form of exercise they enjoy, even if they haven’t found it yet!

 713076_6ce1_625x1000 VS Print

                             Before                                                    After

And what is a health and fitness journey without Before and After Shots!

Are you ready to Exercise Your Potential?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The calorie count for Easter temptations!


This blog brought to you via Dietitian Susie Burrell.

Some harsh Easter reality - Each week I cringe as I move through the supermarket and see an enormous supply of Easter eggs and chocolate flavoured Easter buns. Remember, supermarket sales gurus know that if you can see the food, you will buy it, and hence the reason Easter eggs have been available before the Christmas tinsel was taken down. So, if you do not want to gain weight this Easter, remember the rules – no buns until Good Friday and no eggs until Easter!

Eggs Selection kJ Fat
Cadbury Easter Bunny  3740 50g
2 Caramello Eggs 500 6g
1 Cadbury Crème Egg 718 6g
Lindt Gold Bunny 2270 33g
3 mini eggs 560 7.5g
Small hot cross bun (no butter) 600 2g
Large hot cross bun with butter 1200 10g
Choc chip hot cross bun 1100 9g

And don’t forget that excess calorie days can be very easily offset by increasing your exercise or reducing your caloric intake for the surrounding days!

Some great advice to help resist the temptations this Easter! Follow Susie’s Blog:

Monday, April 11, 2011

Caring parents fuel childhood obesity epidemic

Most people will agree, there is some poor parenting going on these days. And as much as they deserve a slap around the head (that same slap that they’ve failed to give their children when throwing tantrums) for the obvious reasons of poor, lazy and ill-informed decisions causing obesity in children, a study has shown that it’s also the parents who are trying to do the right thing that helped the percentage of obese children jump from 5-30% within 10 years.


The Study showed:

  • 70% of the children drank between two and five sweetened beverages a day
  • 85% watched between two and five hours of television a day
  • 42% ate two or more fast-food meals per week.

But these numbers, all hallmarks of childhood obesity, can be the unintended consequences of rational decisions.

• Children who are told by parents to avoid water foun­tains because of germs may instead drink sweetened juices.

• Fear of potential danger can prompt parents to restrict children’s play space to a backyard or inside the house.

• Parents trade sport or outdoor activity for homework and aca­demics as they try to raise test scores.

Eating fast food on the way to soccer may seem like a trade-off health wise. But, Terwilliger points out: One of the reasons fast food fits into a hectic schedule is that pro­cessed food, with its high fat content, literally slips down easily. And the quicker and easier it is to eat, the more you may consume.

There is a lot of data that say today’s kids won’t live as long as their parents, Terwilliger says.

“I now have 13-year-olds with type 2 diabetes.” Heart attack is the number one cause of death and stroke the number three cause, and diabetes and hypertension, both caused by obesity, con­tribute to both, she adds.

Right now we are all reaching into our pockets for the ageing population and their needs, soon we’ll be taxed even more to keep the younger ones healthy too. 

Have the next generation really got a chance if something drastic doesn’t occur soon or will we all be paying more later for the good and bad parenting currently?

What are your thoughts?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Better than Boot Camp, Greater than the Gym.

If someone told you, you could:

  • look better
  • feel better
  • avoid muscular injuries and imbalances
  • stave away chronic diseases
  • operate more efficiently in work and sport
  • have more energy
  • deal with all kinds of stress better
  • sleep better
  • relax more often
  • have better sex
  • have fun and enjoy life

…. FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, what would you do to get it?

If someone said you could have all the above and all you had to do was give up 30mins of your day for 3, 4, 5 days of the week, would you do it?

They say the best inventions are solutions to an existing problem.

The existing problem: Both Boot Camps and Gyms claim to, but don’t give you what is listed above! And people are starting to realise the limitations of both traditional exercise and this ‘latest craze’.

Why they don’t work:



  • A majority of people really don’t know what to do or why! Most of the time the only instruction given to a person using a gym is what a friend of a friend told them works best for their goal, what they read on the side of the machine or what they heard/saw through the media – think Biggest Loser and Woman’s Day magazine. This leads to injuries and people not achieving their goals! 
  • The equipment there really only helps you to become better with that piece of equipment – a seated chest press and lat pulldown DO NOT transfer over into everyday health and fitness.
  • Motivation to push yourself for best results is hard to come by for most, whilst intimidation can also be a massive factor!

Boot Camp


  • They are a “one size fits all” type of workout. Regardless of experience, weight, injuries, strength, endurance, flexibility,etc…everybody is doing the exact same workout. If I did that with my clients, I would be out of business.
  • They are great at helping beginner trainees progress to an intermediate level of fitness, but that’s it. There is no progression.
  • They focus on anaerobic & muscular endurance while ignoring all of the other aspects of physical fitness.
  • They offer no help with nutrition, emotional eating, injury recovery, etc….
  • They are run by inexperienced trainers                       

In essence, the Boot Camps of today are just like the aerobic classes of the 80s, except

  1. We have replaced aerobic endurance with anaerobic endurance, and
  2. We have replaced Jane Fonda with this guy                                    (Source)


  • Exercise that accounts for INDIVIDUALS and their own circumstances!
  • Education on the when, why, what and how so people aren’t struggling with little understanding on what they are committing to and doing 4+ times per week!
  • Progression to their individual goals from any age or fitness level
  • Education on the other half of the story: NUTRITION (on the science, not myths or things that worked well for someone)
  • Equipment and training styles that avoid muscular imbalances and acute or chronic injuries
  • Limited numbers of participants so people get the attention they deserve
  • Creating accountability for the individual’s success or failures, by giving them the tools and assistance and not having dependence on the ‘Professional’, equipment or surroundings.

Now you know,

Exercise Your Potential.