Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do you get the warm, fuzzy feeling?

I had an experience this week. It brought up feelings that we don’t get to feel all that often. It was the kind of feeling that lets you know, even though you know you’re a drop in the ocean, you’ve still made a bit of a ripple.  

So after putting out a friendly request to clients for testimonials to update the Exercise Your Potential website, I received a few really good ones that really made me stop and think. You can guide people through the training sessions day in and day out and after a while it almost seems like a real job – and then after reading how much of an impact you can have on someone’s life, the passion came flowing back for me. (Although it was really always scratching just below the surface.)

This is a testimonial from my longest standing and one of my hardest working clients AJ: 

I began training with EYP in January 2010. Before I began I was only ever motivated to complete short spells of healthy living. IE a few weeks of the gym here and a couple of days of good eating there. I always found it so difficult to maintain any sort of ‘normal’ lifestyle change or to set goals and actively work towards achieving them.

EYP is different to other approaches I have taken or I have heard of. In my experience EYP gives insight into what it takes to live a healthy life as opposed to selling an instantly gratifying health or weight loss solution. More to the point EYP is quite the opposite, teaching you that there is no quick or easy way to improve your health and fitness, more so that improvements to health and fitness are achieved over time and through education.

Before working with Kyle from EYP it became apparent to me at the age of 24 my weight and unhealthy lifestyle was becoming an increasingly severe health issue as opposed to merely a cosmetic or “can I fit in to these jeans” issue. I was always incredibly worn down and was frequently struck with colds and flus and any other bug that was going around, I led an inactive lifestyle with an office job, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, washing those smokes down with a case of beer on the weekend and would break into a sweat walking through a Westfields’ Car park in Winter. Since I commenced working with Kyle from EYP twice weekly I have:

1. Lost 35 Kg’s and counting

2. Been smoke free for four months

3. Ran the City to Surf in under 100 minutes.

4. Decreased my Health age from 33 years old to 23 years old.

I used to think that I could achieve these things later in life and that I could keep going with my unhealthy lifestyle. EYP drives you to think differently and recognise that small steps can lead to big steps and big steps leads to big achievements not that a small step can simply lead to overnight improvements. Also EYP teaches you that there is no better time than right now to Exercise.

For an environment where you are taught to exercise and reach your own potential rather than just being driven for a really tough one hour of training which is what a few colleagues have advised me that other trainers are like I wouldn’t go past recommending Kyle from EYP.“

Thank you to AJ and all my other clients! Your dedication and commitment have made my job so enjoyable and rewarding!

To see what others said about EYP, check out: The Testimonial Page

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