Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you swapping it?

There’s a new campaign that was brought out by the Australian Government to encourage healthy living. In the years between 1995 and 2007, the percentage of overweight and obese people in Australia has climbed to 61% (from 56%) and it seems this will only continue to rise if steps like this aren’t taken.


Unlike other health messages in the past which have focused on measurements or time frames and guidelines, they’ve made this one very simple – Swap it!

Although the messages can be specific to certain behaviours or habits (swap watching tv for walking the dog) the website:  and media focus on four key areas:

  • Swap big for small (portion sizes)
  • Swap often for sometimes (unhealthy food)
  • Swap sitting for moving (activity)
  • Swap watching for playing (exercise)

As a health professional, I couldn’t be happier with the message being sent. It’s everything we advocate on a daily basis put into terms that anyone of any age can understand!

I have to praise the brains behind this one, let’s hope it has a heap of success! 

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