Monday, July 5, 2010

When food is more than fuel...

I came across this article by past 'Biggest Loser' Host and recovering Food-Aholic AJ Rochester that I think unfortunately, would hit a little too close to home for many people.

Why Food is not your Therapist (Article)

Although I know the message in the article is ALWAYS easier said than done, I enjoyed this because of the thought process in decision making that she speaks of and I also preach. But then again, who doesn't enjoy when someone agrees with them?

It's just the tougher decisions that end up separating the strong from the weak.

Spending 20mins creating healthy chicken wraps for dinner will never be able to compete with the convenience of a drive thru KFC Ultimate Burger meal in our short-sighted lives. It's what we want NOW.. without any hassle!!.. and sheesh, what could be more important than right now??..

... I know - all the future "nows" - because there will come a time when the KFC and other short-sighted choices add up and you can't fit into your old clothes, or you're struggling to get up the stairs, or you're feeling crappy from poor nutrition and then one day, it gets to the point where you're seeing the GP because the blood pressure meds you're taking aren't doing the trick anymore and you're being booked in for cardiac surgery.

And I'm fully aware of how dramatic this all sounds! But at least I'm not killing 1 Australian every 11mins - you can thank poor lifestyle choices and Cardiovascular Disease for that!

Anyway.. Take a read and tell us what you think!

P.S. For those of you who are wondering why I am scouring looking for AJ Rochester articles - it was a link from another site... I SWEAR!!

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