Friday, July 30, 2010

How getting off your bum can help you achieve a longer, healthier life..

Sitting down while reading this? You may want to stand up...

The links:

The shortened version: (for those who are still seated) A new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds it's not just how much physical activity you get, but how much time you spend sitting that can severely affect your health.

The study observed significant differences in risk of death when comparing men and women who sat more than 6 hrs/day and less than 3 hrs/day. The differences are more significant for sedentary women, with the 6 hr+ seated group 37% more likely to die (during the 13 year study period), while men who sat for a majority of the day were also at a higher risk at 18%.

And according to Institute for Medicine and Public Health (U.S.), it's likely that we spend around 56 hours a week seated. By doing the maths: 6 hrs/day x 5 working days = 30 hrs a week. If 30 hrs is all it takes and it seems we achieve around 56, a majority of us should be running (or wheeling our office chairs) out to get a will kit. Better yet, parents of teens/tweens - show your children these statistics and guilt them into doing a bit of housework before you depart for the escalator to heaven and approach the automated, motorized pearly gates.

Jokes aside, it has to be a little concerning for people who work in more sedentary occupations like admin or data entry. From research, most people know the way we are living is damaging to our health, but not many people understand the reason for it being so bad for us. James Levine, M.D., Ph.D, reflects my opinion on the matter: "Our bodies have evolved over millions of years to do one thing: move. As human beings, we evolved to stand upright. For thousands of generations, our environment demanded nearly constant physical activity."

"Electronic living has all but sapped every flicker of activity from our daily lives," Levine says. "You can shop, pay bills, make a living, and with Twitter and Facebook, even catch up with friends without so much as standing up. And the consequences of all that easy living are profound."

So you're wondering how to combat this non-moving epidemic? Answer: Move. Move all the time, move as much as you can, move. Every little bit counts. Stand up to take a phone call, walk to the furthest watercooler, take the stairs, throw a soft ball around in a brainstorming session, balance on one leg during a meeting, the list goes on. Be creative.

Studies show (see article)  that obese people, on averge, move 150 minutes/day less than non-obese people.

So get moving!

Like some ideas to get your workplace more active? EYP offers fun exercise ideas, games and health and fitness sessions to make your workplace more active and enjoyable. Get in touch with Kyle - to find out more.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

An update on EYP..

Just thought I'd let everyone know all the exciting things that EYP has been up to and has on the cards for the next couple of months.

First of all, I've got a feeling we're about to see some great results with a few clients due for assessments in the upcoming week. Everyone's been training really hard and making big health and fitness improvements so I can't wait for it to show on paper!

The Professional and Business development that Brendan Shih (BStrong Strength and Conditioning) and I have been doing has been paying dividends with everything we are doing. From sharing tips on how to get the best out of equipment suppliers (and we've both been buying a HEAP of equipment lately) to the technical stuff like how different medications can effect the physiology of certain structures in the healing process. I'd actually recommend anyone in any industry to be conducting some sort of development or discussion groups to stay on top of their game. There are considerable benefits for everyone involved.

Besides that, there's been plenty of planning for new EYP programs like Fitness Boost group training sessions to hopefully take place on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings -more on that in the upcoming weeks.

We've also started the process with the Australian Sports Commission to develop our Active After Schools Community Program. So look out if you have any involvement with after-school care, EYP are bringing some of the best sport, games and fun you've ever seen!

As you know, the end of the season for many young athletes, in many sports is rapidly approaching. The only way to improve is to work hard in the off-season. We plan to combine all the lastest Strength, Conditioning, Plyometric and Injury Prevention strategies into a top-level athlete-creating machine that we call the Athlete Advancement program. This will begin in late Septemeber/early October, so make sure you get in contact with all the aspiring Lebron James's or Israel Folau's and get them to sign up for EYP's Athlete Advancement Program.

** Lastly, if you've ever wondered what training with EYP would be like, be sure to check the EYP blog in the upcoming weeks to see the latest client results and reviews!**

Monday, July 5, 2010

When food is more than fuel...

I came across this article by past 'Biggest Loser' Host and recovering Food-Aholic AJ Rochester that I think unfortunately, would hit a little too close to home for many people.

Why Food is not your Therapist (Article)

Although I know the message in the article is ALWAYS easier said than done, I enjoyed this because of the thought process in decision making that she speaks of and I also preach. But then again, who doesn't enjoy when someone agrees with them?

It's just the tougher decisions that end up separating the strong from the weak.

Spending 20mins creating healthy chicken wraps for dinner will never be able to compete with the convenience of a drive thru KFC Ultimate Burger meal in our short-sighted lives. It's what we want NOW.. without any hassle!!.. and sheesh, what could be more important than right now??..

... I know - all the future "nows" - because there will come a time when the KFC and other short-sighted choices add up and you can't fit into your old clothes, or you're struggling to get up the stairs, or you're feeling crappy from poor nutrition and then one day, it gets to the point where you're seeing the GP because the blood pressure meds you're taking aren't doing the trick anymore and you're being booked in for cardiac surgery.

And I'm fully aware of how dramatic this all sounds! But at least I'm not killing 1 Australian every 11mins - you can thank poor lifestyle choices and Cardiovascular Disease for that!

Anyway.. Take a read and tell us what you think!

P.S. For those of you who are wondering why I am scouring looking for AJ Rochester articles - it was a link from another site... I SWEAR!!