Tuesday, April 27, 2010

First Blog

Hello and welcome to Exercise Your Potential's first blog post!

First of all, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to check us out. Whatever the reason may be, I appreciate that this is the third sentence and I’m still holding your attention! My colleagues and I would agree that when speaking about exercise without including a diet shortcut or an exercise secret, to last this long, is quite an achievement

My name is Kyle Cox. I’m a recent sports and exercise science graduate and I’ve created Exercise Your Potential with just one goal in mind: to facilitate in the improvement of people. I have always wanted to help bring out the best in people and help them improve in any way I can. This is now an avenue in which I can use my formal education and experience to achieve this whilst avoiding the flaws that I’ve seen in the industry. I have put together an approach for how I wanted to help people enhance themselves through exercise and the bottom line is: when the product (exercise) has so many benefits AND when you have the experience to help people obtain genuine results while making it fun, safe, enjoyable and relevant to the individual, it’s an easy sell!
My philosophy towards helping people become better is based around the fact that exercise can improve every single area of a person’s life in one way or another, whether it be improving body composition to help them improve confidence, productivity and outlook on life to changing mental state and the way they deal with stressors and improve sleep patterns whilst preventing acute infections and chronic diseases. And by the way, this can be enjoyable!

The second part of my service ethics, is that if I’m to help someone become better, it means that they will become better – eventually to a point where they are self reliant when it comes to anything to do with their health and fitness. By treating every session like it’s the last session we may have together and by passing on all the knowledge I possibly can, the client gets the most out of every session and is one step closer to being able to be in control and accountable for their own health.

The final part of my philosophy is simple – no gimmicks. No use of phrases like 6 second abs, meal replacement or warp speed fat loss. Everything that we do is scientifically proven and with your best long term health in mind. Unfortunately in the fitness industry, there is a quick buck to be made off some people, but it’s really not what Exercise Your Potential is about.

I would like to finish this first blog with a saying that I have found useful and may also motivate you with something that you are try to achieve:

‘If success was easy, everyone would be doing it.’

In saying this, no matter how hard it may seem to succeed we are still in control of our own destiny and every one of the millions of tiny choices we make each day can impact on our results, positively or negatively. The easiest example I can give for this is for you to think about the next time you go to reach for a tempting food that you really don’t need or choose the TV over the walk, ask yourself: are my choices leading me to where I want to be? Are they helping me reach my potential? The choices we make each day decide the lives we live.

Thanks for reading!

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